eunice 21031995
Thursday, June 18, 2009
sorry peeps! if i did not ans ur call, or did not call u back, sorry! okok! erm... idk wad to post! i went to batam last friday, erm.. i tink i said tt in my previous few post! i got lots of pics, n experience alot there! wanted to post abt it but not now! coz it is outdated n lazy to upload pics! take to long! the toilet there is ewwww! so i always go bag to the hotel den niaoniao! i was abt to dehydrate,coz i did not wanna feel lyk gg to the toilet too oftern! sunday afternoon i did project! n go facebook to accept and add friends! monday... i forgot wad i done. =.= tuesday sentosa, wednesday sentosa!-.- tts it! i lazy blog! i blog for the sake to having a post there! i still got alot blog to blog-.- kay loveya:]