eunice 21031995
Friday, June 19, 2009
took tis from charmaine's blog, i m damn bored for now, will be gg camp later at 3 ba!=.=1. Real name: eunice lim xiu yi 2. Nickname: euni, many more but lame ones so forget it 3. Star sign: aries 4. Male or Female: female 5. Primary school: plmgs[primary] 6. Secondary school: plmgs[secondary] 7. Jc/Poly: ny poly, ngee ann poly, or acjc loh 8. Hair Colour: black n dark brown n light brown 9. Long or short: short 10. Loud or Quiet: loud 11. Sweats or Jeans: jeans 12. Phone or Camera: phone 13. Health Freak: not really 14. Drink or Smoke: dunno 15. Do you have a crush on someone: not now 16. Eat or drink: drink 17. Piercings: 4 but 1 infection so let is close. 18. Tattoos: no have u ever: 19. Been in an airplane: yup 20 Been in a relationship: em 21. Been in a car accident: ya 22. Been in a fist fight: em 23. First piercing: when or where? 25 dec 2007 on the right ear first 24. First best friend: shermaine or jeremy!? forget le lah. 25. First award : p2 sports day, gold-.- 26. First crush: dunno. 27. First vacation: malaysia... genting i tink =.= 28. Last person you talked to: my meimei less den 5 mins ago 29. Last person you texted to: zh. wadeva 30. Last person(s) you watched a movie with: vk n tanchun 32. Last food you ate: 1 siew mai 33. Last movie you watched: monster vs alien 3D 34. Last song you listen to: 原来by jj 35. Last thing you bought: lychee tea 36. Last person you hugged: dunno. favourite: 37. Food: tomyam 38. Drinks: green tea 39. Clothing: the shit in my cupboard 40. Books: woman after gods heart [jjj lent me] 41. Song: alot. 42. Flower: tulip 43. Colour: white, orange, black n pink 44. Movies: dun really lyk to watch movie. 45. Phrase: dunno. 46. Subject: science 47. Kissed in the snow: neh 48. Celebrated Halloween: yea in korea:] have you evers; 49. Had your heart broken: em 50. Went over the minutes in your cellphone: ya 51. Someone questioned your sexually orientation: What's sexually orientation ? 52. Come out of the closet: uh ya ! When playing hide and seek . 53. Gotten pregnant: no 54. Had an abortion: common sense 55. Done something that you've regretted: em 56. Broke a promise: ya, sorry 57. Hide a secret: obvious 58. Pretended to be happy: dunno. 59. Met someone who changes your life: alittle yea 60. Pretended to be sick: No 61. Left the country: ya 62. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and like it: emhm 63. Cried over the silliest thing: dunno. 64. Ran a mile: how long is a mile 65. Went to the beach with your best friend(s): yupyups 67. Eating: now? no 68. Drinking: now? no 69. I'm about to: pack for later camp 70. Listening to: 不得不爱 71. Plans for tomorrow: in camp=.= 72. Waiting for : sunday. gg to have father's day suprise for all the dads at nite 73. Want kids: yup 74. Want to get married: 20 plus 75. Careers in mind: huh? 76. Which is better than girl/boy: boy 77. Lips or eyes: eyes, so i will not tok so much 78. Shorter or taller: taller 79. Romantic or spontaneous: dunno. 80. Nice stomach or nice arms: all not nice 81. Sensitive or loud: dunno. 82. Hook-up or relationship: relationship 83. Trouble-maker or hesistant: huh? 84. Lost glasses/contacts: contacts 85. Ran away from home: em 86. Killed somebody: no 87. Broken someone's heart: em. 88. Been arrested: No ? 89. Cried when someone's die: duh Do you believe in; 90. Yourself: no 91. Miracles: yup 92. Love at first sight: no 93. Heaven: yupyups 94. Santa Claus: hahas! dunno 95. Sex on the first date: wtf, no 96. Kiss on the first date: no 97. Is there one person you wishes to be with now: no but a thing yea 98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: not at all, too complicated, not enough time 100. This is the 100th question and last question :tis is the 100th question but some numbers are missing! tis quiz seems familiar! oh well! i tink all the questions are repeated!over n over again![life cycle] |