uno! hahas! we played tis when no one is here yet! i m the first few ppl who reach there:]
plaied hide n seek n many others! hahas! but i did not take pic! coz i was busy playing hahas!

ethan so cute! we wwnt to the super market to get some food for the bbq the next nite!

dadddy:] piggy! sleepsleepsleep! lyk tt oso can sleep! hahas:]

ester!!! she is so cute apperently she was trying to snatch my phone:] hahas:]

yiling:] hahas! she is suppose to take with barney, but hahas! he play her out! hahas! we was laughing lyk siao over tis matter nvm!

3 sleepy mother! taking a nap they cnt stand a nite without sleeping so the next afternoon! there! in the bed sleeping! hahas:] i took tis when i was playing hide n seek! waiting for pple to find me! i playied hide n seek 3 times over there:] hahas! plaing hide n seek there was damn fun! cause the place is damn big! hahas! so many places to hide! now you see me, now you dun! hahas!

shells tt is pick from the beach! hahas! look so nice:] hahas!
bbq! we got bufet too! i ate super alot! hahas! nicenice! yumyum

bbq mashmallow made by me:] so crispy:] hahas!
they are each holding a letter, which speels happy b'day! thanks to the laziness of me, i worte b'day instead of birthday
everybody rushing for the cake! the cake look damn nice n taste damn nice too:]

shushi! a treat from my mum to my dad for father's day lunch the next day:] hahas!
tis scallop ramen is yummy! the spoon is super big! hahas! n my meimei tried to put the whole spoon into her mouth:] hahahahas!

jellydrink! my mum love it! hahas! i tink my mum n dad is super cute loh:]

one of the wall somewhere! so nice rite! haizzz! i tink i m gg nuts! just finding stuff to cheer up! so retared! hahas! i m actually happy today! i m free! but i still got tuition! but it's ok! it is better den gg out! wasting money! eating the food outside oso not healthy! hahas! i love home-cook food:]

i reconment tis beer! it is so damn nice! very smooth:] hahas! slupslup! i wan more! but it is very strong!

daddy acting cool:] hahas:] he is cute alrite:] n my mummy at the back stareing, tinking 'wad
on earth is my hubby tring to do!'hahas:] my dad n mum n my meimei do brighten up my life at time:] haha! i love my family♥