tan chun, i will teach u the right way to hold the phone dun worry:]/XP

this is nice:] yumyum! chunchcrunch

one of ur stall! , spin n do "it"

tis box is design by mel:] nice! hahas:] i was busy doin some other stuff, fishes:] back pain! loser! the water is so heavy

we transfer the fishes here n there~ so lots of them died!

i noe u wan:] hahas!

ok, i was so bored till i draw elmo! okok! i m disgracing elmo... ps to elmo lovers
after all our hard work at the carnival, we went to eat shushi! yumyum! i spited water n lyk many weird stuff! haizz! wadeva! UNGLAM hahas:] omg... i miss the carnival, our hard work is finally over! i always feel happy when i noe tt i m helpin someone in need! idk y! just love tt feelin:] hahas! wadeva lah! hahas! for more on how my good day ended suckishly, see my another blog:] hahas! loveyou:] thanks for all the hard work my group members did! although i was rather upset on how the budget is spent, n the money is not settled till now, coz of tt small mistake, we did not hit our target amount tt we wanted to raise... but nvm lah... all of u did ur best:] yupyups!
today, we had spring cleaning, pratically almost the whole day, and recess,den lunch time performance den guitar sec one orentation! today rocks n sucks! hahas:] my seniors are nice! i just realise tt, tokin to them today:] hahas! juniors too! hahas! idk lah! guitar sort of rocks! hmmmm..... i dunno wads wrong with me;] tmr no sku! but still need to go to do PROJECT!

i am really tring to listen to tmy parents, and really trying not to disobey them, but their rules are getting more n more. baning me from this n that. n confiscating my phone is a live n death matter loh! i dunno lah.wonder if i can survive through my holidays.sometimes i look at the sky n ask, wad is the purpose for me being down here when i can be up there, probaly up there, free from troubles, free from worries, free from humilation... but it is the troubles,worries n humilation that make me stronger emotionally each time i get back on my feet. but the problem is, i get on my feet super slowly, i m afraid that i might just give up soon... i have been saying tt i give up, saying that i hate life, but i tink it is rather dumb of me to say tt! i will not give up so easily, i will apperciate life... i am here on earth for a reason, the only way to find out is to live my life, till i find it, if not i will never noe wad is my purpose... but sometime i cnt help it, i am at a lost, i m in the middle of the road, dunno whether to turn left or right, front or back, if i were to take the wrong path, wad will happen? i dunno, i currently have two points of views, or maybe, i dun even have a purpose, maybe i m just there to be a display on a shelf...
i dunno y, no matter how hard i try to stay positive, there will be someone or even myself, pulling myself down. i tried my best tis term! i really did! okok! i will accept all your request, just dun get angry. probaly my parents tinks tt i m a monel waster now! the spent so mush money on me n yet, no results... the first sentence tt comes to my mind, i will definately do better next term! den there, at tt point when i was trying to stay positive, my sis say,' hahaha! i got everything higher than you. okok! i cnt score ok? i m not good at anything! i really wish to turn back the clock, to where i was in primary one, i need to bulid up my foundations! i wanna turn way from reality, but it will not last forever, i need to solve it! i love the timing from 3 to 6! tt two hours is the best in my entire day, so tt i m not facing both friends n my family members! i enjoy tt time! but it only last for two hours! i dunno who to turn too! my brain is not funtioning properly! sorry mummy n daddy! dun mean too, but sometime i really duuno waad to do to make u all happy! i wanna the people around me to be happy n smile kays?
i m bored. i wanna see tt friend soon! 4 weeks liao! seriously miss her! omg
nvmnvm! from today on! i will be 'guai' hahas:] no more tinkin far!
EUNICE must for far! i wan a bright future! :]

in the lift....=.= !=]

the water is super clean! i love swimming at nite! yahooo!

blowing bubbles! blubblubblub! i noe u cannot blow bubbles! i noe u jealeous!haiz! idk how to spell lar hahas! sry! idk wad i riting hahas! abit high now

we got legs tt can glow in water! hahahahahahaha! we swam, play side n some other games! hahas! the water damn cooling lor... funfunfun! "tt" game was fun! i bang my head! n there goes one of my brain cell! hehe!

peek-a-boo! i noe u are scard! hahas! she is so cute! hahas! all soapy all over! i see tt she can blow bubbles too! lykly she kept evidence! i not i will not noe tt she can blow bubbles lyk me! hahas! wander whether, we inharited our mum or dad's geans! bubble blowing! hahas! my better! i got bubble without soap!hahas! sorry it is an inside jokeXP

tis is pics b4 bathing:]

after bathing! haha! all freash n clean:]
yupyups!! ohoh b4 tt we went to ps to but fbt!
omg... we buy some weirdweird colours tt we did not expect tt we will buy it! pink, lightblue n white:] hahas! okok nvm abt tt!
hahas! i look lyk i pile of shit, hahas! got my ez-link card today... omgomgomg! i look weird-.-
neat freak, my hair was flat+ i got big face! wad de! i look so pig! so shit+pig=pigshit=.=
todays morning devotion was great! mr go tok abt fears:] hahas!
Psalm 23:4
Even though i walk through the valley of shadow of death, i will fear no evil,for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
hahas:] hahas! i m so gg to read more tonite=.= hahas! oh maybe after i finish reaading, i m david! i need to rite a book review on it, den jjj pass me tt book! den the bible! maybe i can read one chapter a day, i dun tink it will take up alot of my time!:] hahas! only wish i had the disciple to read eveyday!hahas! i better start, try my best hahas! nonono, it is a must! yupyups tts it:]
hahas! today was funfunfun! except for live! sorry tc! i was alittle angry just now when i pick up ur call! it is super sian! i spent too much time on it liao! n i was super busy! sorry! hahas! i just met someone tt i did not see for a longlong time! hahas! omg! i m so happy! i gg to play with my friend guitar! soon! idk! hahas... i still duuno how to play tt guitar song! damn it! p6 open is tmr =.=! how sia?... yupyups! i m sad too!=.= i m so contridicting! sad coz... to be continued in my another blog=.= HAHA! i m perspiring again!runrunrun=.= lame!
You are required to answer ALL the following questions.Tag 16 people and repost it with the title:I've done --- out of the 132 stupid things.99/132 means you scored a distinction for doing stupid things!
Level 1
( ) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
(x) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(x) Drank Alcohol
Level 2
(x) Are / Been In Love
( ) Been Dumped
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been Fired
(x) Been In A Fist Fight
Level 3
(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person
( ) Skipped School
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone / Something
Level 4
( ) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
(x) Been On A Plane
(x) Thrown Up From Drinking
Level 5
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding
( ) Met Someone BECAUSE of Facebook
( ) Been in a Mosh Pit
Level 6
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(x) Taken Pain Killers
( ) Love/loved Someone Who You Can't Have
(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
( ) Made A Snow Angel
Level 7
(x) had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x) Built A Sand Castle
(x) Gone mudding
(x) Played Dress Up
Level 8
(x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
( ) Gone Sledging
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work/School
Level 9
(x)Watched The Sun Set
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake
Level 10
(x) Been Tickled
( ) Been Robbed / Vandalized
(x) Been Cheated on
(x) Been Misunderstood
Level 11
(x) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
(x) Had Detention
(x) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
Level 12
(x) Had / Have any Braces
(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
( ) Danced in the moonlight
Level 13
(x) Hated The Way You Look
( ) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
(x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
Level 14
( ) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(x) Been Lost
( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
( )Swam In The Ocean
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying
Level 15
(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
(x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
Level 16
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(x) Made a Prank Phone Call
(x) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
(x) Kissed In The Rain
Level 17
( ) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
(x) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
(x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere
Level 18
( ) Crashed A Party
( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
(x) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(x) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey
Level 19
( ) Worn Pearls
(x) Jumped Off A Bridge
( ) Swore at the teacher, in front of them
(x) Swam With Dolphins
( ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
( ) Kissed A Fish
(x)Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
( ) Sat On A Roof Top
Level 21
(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
( ) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
(x) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
(x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about
Level 22
( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
(x) Climbed A Tree
( ) Had/Been In A Tree House.
(x) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone
Level 23
( ) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking
( ) Visited Jail
Level 24
(x) Played Chicken
(x) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
( ) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
(x) Broken A Bone
( ) Been Easily Amused
Level 25
( ) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
( ) Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
(x) Caught A Butterfly
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(x) Cried So Hard You Laughed
Level 26
( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x)Forgotten Someone's Name
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Gone Skinny Dipping
( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(x)Tried to hurt yourself
Level 27
(x)Rode A Roller Coaster
(x)Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
( ) Had A Cavity
( ) Black-mailed someone
( ) Been Black Mailed
Level 28
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
( ) Licked A Cat
( ) Bitten Someone
( ) Licked Someone
Level 29
( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) Had sex in the rain
( ) Flattened someones tires
( ) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came
( ) Got five dollars or less worth of gas
69 in toatl:] hahas!

omg:] this prawn is so cute when it is orange:]
it is sweet too! yumyum

hahas! melissa unglam:] hahas! i take de:] ps! hahas! actually got my aunty's unglam too! but i crop it! later she angry hahas

hahas! my dad so cute:] but he
need to do botox hahas:] my dad is wearing the clothes tt i borrowed from him to do my drama skit
the road sweeper! hahas! he looks lyk one now hahas:] jkjk! he is so suai!
beside him is my uncle! hahas:/ not a need to tok abt him hahas:]

my mommy:] alot of pple say i look lyk my mum:] sure anot! she puts makeup! so sweet! but i dun! heard tt she was super tend n tom boy last time! i inherited her geans! not saying tt i m tomboy! just not a lady lyk as the current mommy now:] hahas

yay! i
♥ them! so loving hahas:]

yumyumyum so nice! i was super full! ty uncle tc for tis treat!! n happy birthday!
kelvin korkor! give him a grandson! tt is his birthday wish haha!
my meimei enjoying! her crab!

hahas! my uglam by my dada:]=.= i look lyk glutton!
the crab shell is sure solid! i took long time to open den to eat the meat inside
my meimei is feeding me mantou!! hahas~ i still need to be fed! wad a disgrace
hahahahahhaha! my mommy feeding me the fat juicy crab! i wash hands liao! but i still wanted a bit from my mommy! i m so greedy ahhhha

my cousins:] all of them look so cute! especially Ethan:]
i must say he eat alot! look at him! he is only k1 hahas! n he usually go in n out of the hospital! he need to be more fit:] but i lyk his chubby face too:]

some more shots! hahas! i ♥ nicloe:] hahas! she is younger but taller den me=.=
haizz!! i m short! i need the grow up fast pill:]

yea! the cake was nice! it is from goodwoods park hotle! they are sure rich! hahas! i had fun 20-30 odds ppl are there! i good to have family gathering once in awhile!
hahas! yummy! erm ya!! tts yesterday nite! today malay! i noe my marks liao! i cnt believe i can get 90=.= so lame! only if tt is my english score!
heyys! dun be sad! smile! u should noe who i m tokin abt! hahas! u are not useless! dun jump! hahas! n dun give up:] hahahahahahahaha! if not i m gg to call police to follow u! make sure u dun jump haha! ps
heyys! stop ur crying! abit irritating liao! okok! i meet u after guitar tmr! at my playground! i was busy eat yesterday nite lah! not daoing u! as u can see from my blog post!
tts all for today:] idk wad to rite!there is always a tomorrow!

elos:] i dunno how to tok abt my day! haizz! sian! wadeva lah!
i m one tough cookie! i time for me to get back on my feet in concentrate!
no point crying over spilt milks! yupyups! i still have many days ahead to be happy! hope i will be=.= damn it ! i m contradicting myself! haizz! all i noe is tt i need to get back on path! i have been slacking for many years! life still have to go on! i will bear the consiquences

yupyups! i lyk tt bread! i will not turn mouldy
hahas! so cute:] yea! just got home from a party:]
yupyups! i went to church with hy today! den we go to j8!
i must tell u! i cnt shop! hahas! we went shopping... we shop almost the whole entire building
infact we walk round several times:] from 1st to 4th to 2nd to 3rd to 1st den to 3rd to 2nd to 1st den to 4th an so on!-.-lll tt alot! for me! as i dun do shopping!:] hahas! den ate lunch with gy n hy:] hahas! i m so out hahas!! so filling! :] coz i ate breakfast hahas:]we shop from 1.15 to 2.45! thanks to gy=.=! yupyups! den i went to the library to find my mum! i did not borrow any books! sian!! den go party! ok lah! at least get to meet up with them! keep tokin onli:] who is the one tt use my name to reply gy in my tagboard? i dun have brain problem loh! kay! may be i do! i got a conversation with my friend i rote! 'i not going gg not aloer' '#also' 'damn yt' '#it' ahhhh pet ritin rong' '#keep'=.= i oso dunno wad is the damn problem with my brain! only if i can backspace lyk the computer:] hahas:]
heyys! today was busy:] hahas!
i went for a jog at 5, tennis at 7, badminton at 11:]
funfunfun:] till! denisa sms me! 'i wait for u downstairs mr leow's house'
den i remember! tt time was abt 12.20!
it was suppose to start at 12! hahas! we are always late! by the time i reach there...
12.45 liao! not bad lor! consider fast liao hor:]
den it ended at 2.30! den i rush for my chinese tuition! tt starts at 3! we had oral=.=
hahas! i got short tongue!!! den later need to do zou wen! the title is
妈妈谢谢您! i rote super alot of pages! hahas! 2 whole paper kays! which means four sheets! the most tt i rite for zuo wen!
n i rote at compo yesterday! the title is '
my mother whom i admire!' so i have been tink alot on wad my mother had done of me! n i must say tt! if the compo or zuo wen dun have a time limit! i will rite a hundred pages n tt not as much as wad my mum had given me though out my 14 years of life:] wadeva she done for me! i dun tink i can even pay her back! n seriously! i dun tink i have been a good girl! i always tok back! i slapped myself for tt liao! damn it! i m a bad child! haizz!!! i dun even noe how to tell her how much i appericiate her! not lky my friend! it seems easier tell my friends den my mum! okok! den i went to the gym! den go swimming! i cnt swim properly! haizz! i did not swim since december, when i go sanya! haha! the water there damn nice n cold! :] yupyups! i m damn tired!!! the super active day+no sleep last nite-breakfast n lunch! make a super hungry eunice! hahas! i ate crab for dinner:]yumyum!!
damn it! i cnt stop tinking abt her!!! i did not see her for 3 weeks liao! i miss her! how! i m straight! haizz!! but i m dying to see her! whenever i hear tt song, see tt picture, hear the song tt u sing[the one i secretly recorder] and even the when i eat laksa[the first n last lunch we ate]! all i tink is u! damn it! eunice! dun tink so far! howhowhow??? i must tink straight! paiseh zh! hahas! tts me! now tt u noe tis! i allow you to go away from my life! hahas! coz i m at fault! but dun worry lah! i m straight! i tink! i must be!!! i tink i m nuts! seriously nuts!

haizzz!!! i m in deep trouble=.=!
arh.... gosh=.= ! today was a daze! the day tt i hope tt is will not repeat happen today!
we left andrea out! sorry! but tt book is just me n mel little conversation with hy! coz we sit far from each other! did not rite anything bad abt u kays?
haizz! some pple just dunno how to appreciate the paper of my words it wanted to tell her!
haizz!!! call me to write such a long essay! is not an easy thing loh! still say i rite crap!
naughty girl! hahas! :] jkjk lah! idk wad to rite today! guitar today was tiring! 2 songs in 3hours!
i dun get it lah! i learn damn slow! i need to practise!=.= tiredtired!
munchmunchmunch!!! chunchcrunchcrunch!!! eating is a good stress relive! but so unhealthy
but i need to do smt! i wanna draw my mind of it!! but i must say tt i m damn full!!!
i m gg to burst! my stomach i damn pain=.= so lame! i m not lame! i got hands n leg!
nvm! tt is an inside joke! yupyups! haizz!! i wanna go see my lao guo! so long did not go and see her and tok to her=.= i wan her to walk on her feet again! but it is a little difficult coz she cnt even tok,sit up herself! n cnt eat herself! so poor thing! i will do my best to get her up on her feet! just hope tt she got determination! yeah:]!!! mel no lot of my secret! arh! i warn u... dun spill the beans! hahas! i got lots of hers too=.=! okok! i will shut my mouth! u better shut it too:]
hehe! keep all the photos to urself! n i will keep urs only for myself to see=.=! i gtg for tuition liao! byeeeeee

today got science pritical!
mosquitoes please stop bothering me!
before i smack u! den u die! dun wanna die so early ba? so go
today was dreamy!
sorry for my weird behaviour today! pspsps
sorry teacher! i did not listen to all of ur lessons today!
sorry for daydream!
sorry for shouting at the wrong timing! i disturb them!
sorry for ignoring most of ur sms! i keep forgetting to reply!
sorry for hiding "it" from u!
sorry but i still cnt show u! i dunno who to believe!
sorry for saying bye out of no where! for not even starting the conversation instead say bye!
sorry for breaking the school rules! i should think twice before doin it
sorry for shouting at you! i did not mean it! arh!! i dunno wad was i doin today
SORRYSORRY i m cozing too much trouble! i m not myself today!
i was in space for the whole day! mum, dad stop arguing please!
i will make a decision for myself!
SORRY for making u worried for me
SORRYSORRY! arh!!! i dunno,dunno,dunno,really!

ya! i went to this place today! for fun! i was there since 3 to 6=.=
everyone wear mask there! i was stubbon! noeing tt i m weak! i still dun wanna put it on
because i think.... hahas! nvm:]
ya! loh.... tts my day=.= i really wanted to rush for guitar after "it"
but haizzzz.... i stayed there for super long!
thanks to my stubboness! i m having a damn fever again=.=
damn it!!! why does things gotta be this way?no pe? no way! i will get FAT
i rather die den not to hv pe! i dun wan the opperation! fuck off u idiot doctor=.=
tok so much! beat around tt damn bush=.= see how long is my will to live on ba!
i dun wan means dun wan! see i m so stubbon! i hate DOCTORS! they irritates me!
i went to high light my hair![one strip only] although i wasn't really in the mood:[