eunice 21031995
Monday, June 29, 2009
haha first day of sku! was fun:] miss some of my friends:] hahas! the first question tt teacher ask me is, 'did you travel during the sku hols?' hahas! so funny, 5 teacher at the entrance eyeing on us as we walk in. make me fell lyk i did smt wrong on the first day of sku! when i go up the stairs, haiz my climb fourth floor again! with my heavy bag, sian! i drag myself, with the help of charmel, trying to pull me up! wake up so super early just to go sku with her! tmr will be the same! meeting her again!the best thing today is tt i had to go up n down the staircase lyk monkey=.= first i need to go to the general office to pass the travel decoration form to the general office den go up den go mrs teo call me to get content page, from the science lab, i from chem room 1 go to physic room 2 to physic room 1 to bio room 1 to chem room 2 to chem room 2 just to get tt content page n den wehn to the library to prite it den go back to chem room 2 again to pass the hard copy n soft copy to the lab tech. den i say one teacher i dunno her name, i tink new de, help her carry her stuff to the classroom tt she wanted! den rush back to class! wen i step in, the bell ring. its pe time ran 4 rounds, actually suppose to be 2 only.becoz some pple which includes me was walking instead of running, n best thing is tt we were toking too! den her whle class need to run two more! paiseh! den did suside, hahas! funfunfun! but tiring, n 40 pumping by the end of pe time i look i just came out from a shower, just tt the soap sort of stinks! tts becoz i perspire alot! cnt stand it! =.=den the rest of the days was core subject, but the 4 last period, cannot make it liao! cnt really absorb, hahas! but todaay i wasn't slacking the whole day, not lyk last time! hahas! but i did not pay 100% attention to the teacher, coz i was busy doin smt else. den after sku i ate at mama shop with mel, our favourite, tomyam maggie mee n green tea, as usual! den i went to mel hourse to do so homework n tok online, we bluff someone tt mel got h1n1 hahas! sorry lah, it is just us being playful, so please dun get angry! SORRY! wow! tis shows tt he trust friends lots, n super concern[kaypo?] jkjk lah! n we betrayed it, sorry.den i went home for tuition! finally i understand wad teacher thought in class! clear my doughts:] hahas! today rocks:] for some reason!:]