eunice 21031995
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
TODAY N YESTERDAY was fun! i still got alot of holiday homework not done yet! seriously not done! i spent both my days with mel:] hahas! i m gg insane with her around! tt is a compliment!hahas! she brighten up my boring study days! now i love gg to sku! n chem is fun:] both yesterday n today was a heavy day, alot to absorb, haizz! everytime when it come to chinese... haizzz! hahas! but i was lyk tok to mel all along! hahas! ok i noe i m a bad girl!but i will make a point to revise alternate days. i memories the first twenty of the dunno wad table liao! hahas:] i realise smt, no matter where the teacher shif n how the teacher rearrage the class sitting arragement, i m forever stuck with mel. for heaven noes y! hahas! ever since p6 term 3 till now! we have always been partners! n buddys... n sitting beside her, even during lab lessons, but tt one we choose where to sit de! n ever since sec one, mel n me have been in the first row!!! hahas! class pic i oso stand beside her, coz she is just 0.03 cm taller den me! today i got a parcel from 'someone' thanks, but i will send it back to you. coz i dun take bribes! hahas! no lah! it is really too expensive, 100 plus, wanna die ah, waste money. give to ur mum as christmas present ba! hahas! yesterday note was damn fun! thanks for wetting me again ah! -.- i need my beauty sleep! sunday i slept at 4 n work up at 5 yesterday i slept at 5 n wake up at 6! i really need more sleep:] hahas! dought i will sleep early today coz i will be out again=.=! |