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stories talks escapes archives




black psp
black ds
black drum sets
black electric guitar
baby grand piano
orange tennis racket
red badminton racket
black soccer ball
orange sport shoes
baby elmo hoodies
pink,orange,blue,purple,brown tangtop
pink n white hearts backpack
skinny jeans
eyore n piglet n tigger stuff toys
pass my piano exam garde 8
pass all my exams tis year
learn break dancing
have my own band
continue learning drums
have more time to do wad i wan
stop all my valgarities
be 165cm by this year
only 40kg in this year
c110 guitar
parents to believe in christ♥

Sunday, July 5, 2009
i cry almost 12 whole hours today!!! waad am i suppose to do? i m soso sorry everytime i see u cry, i cnt help but do so too... i think i am nuts.... i hate who am i now.... but i need to stay calm n pretend nothing happen.if not my parents will start worring again!

heyys! i m dead tired! tired of many things. i just want to stay focus in life. only one point, it is also so hard! i really dunno wad to say abt myself. i am gg to break down. sorry for all the damages i made in ur life. dun cry

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
people, please go n vote for jumping jewels:] thanks:]

may the lord acompany you:[:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
TODAY N YESTERDAY was fun! i still got alot of holiday homework not done yet! seriously not done! i spent both my days with mel:] hahas! i m gg insane with her around! tt is a compliment!
hahas! she brighten up my boring study days! now i love gg to sku! n chem is fun:] both yesterday n today was a heavy day, alot to absorb, haizz! everytime when it come to chinese... haizzz! hahas! but i was lyk tok to mel all along! hahas! ok i noe i m a bad girl!but i will make a point to revise alternate days. i memories the first twenty of the dunno wad table liao! hahas:] i realise smt, no matter where the teacher shif n how the teacher rearrage the class sitting arragement, i m forever stuck with mel. for heaven noes y! hahas! ever since p6 term 3 till now! we have always been partners! n buddys... n sitting beside her, even during lab lessons, but tt one we choose where to sit de! n ever since sec one, mel n me have been in the first row!!! hahas! class pic i oso stand beside her, coz she is just 0.03 cm taller den me! today i got a parcel from 'someone' thanks, but i will send it back to you. coz i dun take bribes! hahas! no lah! it is really too expensive, 100 plus, wanna die ah, waste money. give to ur mum as christmas present ba! hahas! yesterday note was damn fun! thanks for wetting me again ah! -.- i need my beauty sleep! sunday i slept at 4 n work up at 5 yesterday i slept at 5 n wake up at 6! i really need more sleep:] hahas! dought i will sleep early today coz i will be out again=.=!

Monday, June 29, 2009
haha first day of sku! was fun:] miss some of my friends:] hahas! the first question tt teacher ask me is, 'did you travel during the sku hols?' hahas! so funny, 5 teacher at the entrance eyeing on us as we walk in. make me fell lyk i did smt wrong on the first day of sku! when i go up the stairs, haiz my climb fourth floor again! with my heavy bag, sian! i drag myself, with the help of charmel, trying to pull me up! wake up so super early just to go sku with her! tmr will be the same! meeting her again!the best thing today is tt i had to go up n down the staircase lyk monkey=.= first i need to go to the general office to pass the travel decoration form to the general office den go up den go mrs teo call me to get content page, from the science lab, i from chem room 1 go to physic room 2 to physic room 1 to bio room 1 to chem room 2 to chem room 2 just to get tt content page n den wehn to the library to prite it den go back to chem room 2 again to pass the hard copy n soft copy to the lab tech. den i say one teacher i dunno her name, i tink new de, help her carry her stuff to the classroom tt she wanted! den rush back to class! wen i step in, the bell ring. its pe time ran 4 rounds, actually suppose to be 2 only.becoz some pple which includes me was walking instead of running, n best thing is tt we were toking too! den her whle class need to run two more! paiseh! den did suside, hahas! funfunfun! but tiring, n 40 pumping by the end of pe time i look i just came out from a shower, just tt the soap sort of stinks! tts becoz i perspire alot! cnt stand it! =.=den the rest of the days was core subject, but the 4 last period, cannot make it liao! cnt really absorb, hahas! but todaay i wasn't slacking the whole day, not lyk last time! hahas! but i did not pay 100% attention to the teacher, coz i was busy doin smt else. den after sku i ate at mama shop with mel, our favourite, tomyam maggie mee n green tea, as usual! den i went to mel hourse to do so homework n tok online, we bluff someone tt mel got h1n1 hahas! sorry lah, it is just us being playful, so please dun get angry! SORRY! wow! tis shows tt he trust friends lots, n super concern[kaypo?] jkjk lah! n we betrayed it, sorry.den i went home for tuition! finally i understand wad teacher thought in class! clear my doughts:] hahas! today rocks:] for some reason!:]

Sunday, June 28, 2009

when swimming today:] hahas! i really starting to think tt my meimei is damn cute... hahas! when i dun eat my dinner she will definately bring up smt for me! i jave been tokin to her everynite for the pass few days at least 15mins! hahas! i tink she oso have lots of problems. mostly abt friends. tts alittle to young, i tink her matuarity level i super high! she needs to enjoy more childhood. i tink i m one of the cause too. she is learning the way i tok, n a couple of bad words, she even noe the word fuck. i m a bad example. she even scold me back with those bad words. i need to brain wash her, but wad i done is already done! wad should i do? i need to show her more love ba! to be honest with u, i tink she is very cute, n she definatel treat me super well! she always side me, an if my mum or dad scold me, she never fails make me happy after tt, she is my happy seed:] hahas! I LOVE HER ALOT kays! hahas! dun tink i will ever say tis to her tt i love her! hahas! but i m starting to get closer to her n know her better... there is a time for everything, only if you find time, time will not find u! hahas:]giving her goodnite kiss n hug everynite, hahas, i feel good:] she alway tries to kiss me, but i always reject it! hahas! now here i m tell u, sibilings kisses n hugs make u feel super warm at heart:] hahas!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

THERE IS SOMETHINGS MISSING IN MY LIFE! infact 2 things! which i definely thing it is one of the most important things we must have in our life, ok maybe just my! i m seriously lacking in discipline and independence! i really need alot of perserverance to get things done! i m tempted to do other things at the sametime! tt means i did not put in my best effort in tt particular thing that i do! i can be useing the com n doin tuition work at the same time! tell me how to comcentrate? n i will definately spent more time on the com instead of getting my stuuf done in a faster time! which means i dun have time for everything tt i wanna do! n if u realised! i m usually late! haizzz! i need to change my bad habit away! wad is the point of doin smt tt is slopply done? doesn't make sense ba! okok! i m damn angry with myself!!! n i need to be more patient! just got to wait! but the big problem i tt is got sardine pack planning! activities over activities! tt is definately not the way i want to live life! i need to cut down on my outings by alot! n at this rate tt i m doin or even planing my activities i m so gg to fail my up comming exams, not by alittle but alot! on the first n sendond week of sku, i m so damn pack liao! ok! i really need to cutcutcut down!!! the next factor tt is missing in my life is independence! i m taking too much advantage of having a domestic helper at home! i take things for granted! everything oso call her to do! lunch n dinner during the hols are all cooked by her! i did not help much in the kitchen, tt is becoz i m usually out not home! i am suppose to cook dinner every mon,wed and fri! but... haizzz! i m suppose to wash n iron n fold my clothes myself, buy i did not do tt during the hols too! but the time i wanted to do all these, it is already in my cupboard waiting for me to wear! although i still pack my own room n bed everyday, i tink it is not enough, tt to is a must! its my own room, o ought to up keep it! my mum tell me to leave it all to her, n i cnt believe it take those words! i m not handdicap! i can to it myself, unless i m a vegetable, i got nth to say, but i m not, i got legs n hand n a properly functioning body tt God gave me! i better use it! no more slacking life for me! n i m gg to cut down my activities. i need to play a part in my family, spent more time with my meimei! tok n communicate more with my parents! n be a loyal friend to my friends! i got lots to improve! manymany! i need time! hahas! i really thing that time is moving very fast i m cnt affort to waste any more! i need to love those around me, i need to really apperciate them! i need to spent more time with my grandparents, make them happy. serve those around me! n manymanymany more! i tink i cnt even list them all! i m indeed a bad girl who need lots n lots improvement to be a better person! today, i felt tt i got many areas to improve on, i m upset with my character!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
went awwa at 9 to 5 yesterday:] i went there alone! coz i was lazy to call n it was alittle last min! hahas! but there was super alot pple there more den the day b4! lazy to go into detail hahas! overall it was fun:] but i didn't really do much! coz pple in-charge keep saying'let the guys do it' =.= later gg 4 guitar. n i still dunno wad to wear! how? die lah...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

hellos!!today at awwa since 9.45! start wok at 10 went for lunch at 12.45 back at 1.35,went home at 5.10!reach home 5.45! hahas! tts my day:] hahas! DUSTY day do some sweepsweep here, mopmop there, wipewipe here, sortsort there, packpack here, throwthrow there! might be gg there tmr again! sry zapp_y-it, for both today n maybe tmr, i have not decide if i wanna go tmr. but there is stuff to do! see ba! hahas! if i dun appear, means i go awwa hahas! most prob u will not see me! coz i dun feel lyk gg swimming! :P

Monday, June 22, 2009
hoping for a better tmr. a simplier life ahead. a brighter future! PEACE

it is time to let go kays? there is no point when there is no trust. i cnt be force. please love urself, do us a favour, when i said it's over, it is final. there is a time for everything n anything. u cnt force me. love u as a friend! forever n always:] just hope u understand :] ♥

uno! hahas! we played tis when no one is here yet! i m the first few ppl who reach there:]
plaied hide n seek n many others! hahas! but i did not take pic! coz i was busy playing hahas!

ethan so cute! we wwnt to the super market to get some food for the bbq the next nite!

dadddy:] piggy! sleepsleepsleep! lyk tt oso can sleep! hahas:]

ester!!! she is so cute apperently she was trying to snatch my phone:] hahas:]

yiling:] hahas! she is suppose to take with barney, but hahas! he play her out! hahas! we was laughing lyk siao over tis matter nvm!

3 sleepy mother! taking a nap they cnt stand a nite without sleeping so the next afternoon! there! in the bed sleeping! hahas:] i took tis when i was playing hide n seek! waiting for pple to find me! i playied hide n seek 3 times over there:] hahas! plaing hide n seek there was damn fun! cause the place is damn big! hahas! so many places to hide! now you see me, now you dun! hahas!

shells tt is pick from the beach! hahas! look so nice:] hahas!
bbq! we got bufet too! i ate super alot! hahas! nicenice! yumyum

bbq mashmallow made by me:] so crispy:] hahas!
they are each holding a letter, which speels happy b'day! thanks to the laziness of me, i worte b'day instead of birthday
everybody rushing for the cake! the cake look damn nice n taste damn nice too:]

shushi! a treat from my mum to my dad for father's day lunch the next day:] hahas!
tis scallop ramen is yummy! the spoon is super big! hahas! n my meimei tried to put the whole spoon into her mouth:] hahahahas!

jellydrink! my mum love it! hahas! i tink my mum n dad is super cute loh:]

one of the wall somewhere! so nice rite! haizzz! i tink i m gg nuts! just finding stuff to cheer up! so retared! hahas! i m actually happy today! i m free! but i still got tuition! but it's ok! it is better den gg out! wasting money! eating the food outside oso not healthy! hahas! i love home-cook food:]

i reconment tis beer! it is so damn nice! very smooth:] hahas! slupslup! i wan more! but it is very strong!

daddy acting cool:] hahas:] he is cute alrite:] n my mummy at the back stareing, tinking 'wad
on earth is my hubby tring to do!'hahas:] my dad n mum n my meimei do brighten up my life at time:] haha! i love my family

Friday, June 19, 2009
took tis from charmaine's blog, i m damn bored for now, will be gg camp later at 3 ba!=.=
1. Real name: eunice lim xiu yi
2. Nickname: euni, many more but lame ones so forget it
3. Star sign: aries
4. Male or Female: female
5. Primary school: plmgs[primary]
6. Secondary school: plmgs[secondary]
7. Jc/Poly: ny poly, ngee ann poly, or acjc loh
8. Hair Colour: black n dark brown n light brown
9. Long or short: short
10. Loud or Quiet: loud
11. Sweats or Jeans: jeans
12. Phone or Camera: phone
13. Health Freak: not really
14. Drink or Smoke: dunno
15. Do you have a crush on someone: not now
16. Eat or drink: drink
17. Piercings: 4 but 1 infection so let is close.
18. Tattoos: no

have u ever:

19. Been in an airplane: yup
20 Been in a relationship: em
21. Been in a car accident: ya
22. Been in a fist fight: em
23. First piercing: when or where? 25 dec 2007 on the right ear first
24. First best friend: shermaine or jeremy!? forget le lah.
25. First award : p2 sports day, gold-.-
26. First crush: dunno.
27. First vacation: malaysia... genting i tink =.=
28. Last person you talked to: my meimei less den 5 mins ago
29. Last person you texted to: zh. wadeva
30. Last person(s) you watched a movie with: vk n tanchun
32. Last food you ate: 1 siew mai
33. Last movie you watched: monster vs alien 3D
34. Last song you listen to: 原来by jj
35. Last thing you bought: lychee tea
36. Last person you hugged: dunno.


37. Food: tomyam
38. Drinks: green tea
39. Clothing: the shit in my cupboard
40. Books: woman after gods heart [jjj lent me]
41. Song: alot.
42. Flower: tulip
43. Colour: white, orange, black n pink
44. Movies: dun really lyk to watch movie.
45. Phrase: dunno.
46. Subject: science
47. Kissed in the snow: neh
48. Celebrated Halloween: yea in korea:]

have you evers;

49. Had your heart broken: em
50. Went over the minutes in your cellphone: ya
51. Someone questioned your sexually orientation: What's sexually orientation ?
52. Come out of the closet: uh ya ! When playing hide and seek .
53. Gotten pregnant: no
54. Had an abortion: common sense
55. Done something that you've regretted: em
56. Broke a promise: ya, sorry
57. Hide a secret: obvious
58. Pretended to be happy: dunno.
59. Met someone who changes your life: alittle yea
60. Pretended to be sick: No
61. Left the country: ya
62. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and like it: emhm
63. Cried over the silliest thing: dunno.
64. Ran a mile: how long is a mile
65. Went to the beach with your best friend(s): yupyups
67. Eating: now? no
68. Drinking: now? no
69. I'm about to: pack for later camp
70. Listening to: 不得不爱
71. Plans for tomorrow: in camp=.=
72. Waiting for : sunday. gg to have father's day suprise for all the dads at nite
73. Want kids: yup
74. Want to get married: 20 plus
75. Careers in mind: huh?
76. Which is better than girl/boy: boy
77. Lips or eyes: eyes, so i will not tok so much
78. Shorter or taller: taller
79. Romantic or spontaneous: dunno.
80. Nice stomach or nice arms: all not nice
81. Sensitive or loud: dunno.
82. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
83. Trouble-maker or hesistant: huh?
84. Lost glasses/contacts: contacts
85. Ran away from home: em
86. Killed somebody: no
87. Broken someone's heart: em.
88. Been arrested: No ?
89. Cried when someone's die: duh

Do you believe in;

90. Yourself: no
91. Miracles: yup
92. Love at first sight: no
93. Heaven: yupyups
94. Santa Claus: hahas! dunno
95. Sex on the first date: wtf, no
96. Kiss on the first date: no
97. Is there one person you wishes to be with now: no but a thing yea
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: not at all, too complicated, not enough time
100. This is the 100th question and last question :tis is the 100th question but some numbers are missing!
tis quiz seems familiar! oh well! i tink all the questions are repeated!over n over again![life cycle]

Thursday, June 18, 2009
sorry peeps! if i did not ans ur call, or did not call u back, sorry! okok! erm... idk wad to post! i went to batam last friday, erm.. i tink i said tt in my previous few post! i got lots of pics, n experience alot there! wanted to post abt it but not now! coz it is outdated n lazy to upload pics! take to long! the toilet there is ewwww! so i always go bag to the hotel den niaoniao! i was abt to dehydrate,coz i did not wanna feel lyk gg to the toilet too oftern! sunday afternoon i did project! n go facebook to accept and add friends! monday... i forgot wad i done. =.= tuesday sentosa, wednesday sentosa!-.- tts it! i lazy blog! i blog for the sake to having a post there! i still got alot blog to blog-.- kay loveya:]

Thursday, June 11, 2009
hahas! i just came back from the immigration centre, go get my new passport! hahas! i look lyk lion head! my hair look so baoza! hahas! i did a couple of quizes on face book:] i m...
16% Lazy
My name is 40% popular! [haizzz! y my name so common!?]

My birthday is 2% Common [hahas:]]

My typing speed is 88 WPM [lyk really! i type damn slow]

My grammer is A- [rubbish! z ba!]

I scored 100/100! for math quiz [i failed math! 24% in term 2=.=]

I will get married on July 25, 2010 [wtf, i will only be 15 then. wadeva! crappy! hahas]

I will study in UCLA [wad on earth is tt?]

My plam reading:Your hands tell you that you will have an eventful and fulfilling life in which you enjoy exciting successful career and personal moves and the fact that you are making a tangible impact on people around you. You will find constant changing factors around you and at times you may feel tired having to keep up with them, but you will always feel fulfilled looking back at the things you've accomplished. [hope so:]]

life evaluation:-Money: 62%Love: 67%Overall Happiness: 72%[hahas:] i m tt happy?]

im 23% evil [muaahhhhh i m more den tt ba! hahas:]]

My mind is 19%dirty [wad de! they ask questions tt i cnt ans.. eg. how many times u tink abt sex. theis opion is only,Once or twice a day,More than 6 times a day,Maybe weekly,A few times a day,Too much to count.=.= tell me how to choose! i tink less den tt!=.=]

Meaning behind my name:-Outgoing and Hardworking
You like to try new things. Love is a hard word for you to comprehend. Success comes easily to you.

hahas! i sian liao! dun wanna do liao! all so crappy de!!!

y all gg overseas at the same time?! hahas:] today 6 pple tt i noe, gg to leave singapore! mel n yanyi left liao! sad! the rest is nite flight! luckly i will not be tt bored! i will be gg to batam tmr morning 8! i dun really wanna go! i wan my com! i bring my laptop! but it is so gg to lag! arhhh! hahas! den i cnt sms too! wad de! hahas! hinthint! i cnt go out with 'u' on friday nite! ps! it is last min den i noe tt i will be gg=.=:] hahas! okok! i will be back on the 14 dunno wad time most prob morning den i need to do english project! hahas! i dun wanna sit boat! so irritating:] hahas:] yupyups! tts it!:] *i got kicked out from hy group! den i though ok loh, den dun do! i did not go n find the group! kind soul, vk asked if me n mel wanted to join their group:] hahas:] yea! better do properly tis time! thank God:]

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

i was just looking through my old photo album! i was laughing lyk nuts.
i cnt believe tt i took pictures with the power-puff girls=.= hear from my dad tt i love them. eww! hahas! tts weird... i even went to their dunno wad concert lah! hiazzz... i got alot for ppg soft toys too... tis 3 pics, i tink it is taken from escape theme park! i m wearing a dress to escape! omgomgomgomg! haizzzz! pink n orange somemore, i still can remember tt the dress tt i m wearing come with a toy, infact a doll tt wears the same dress, tt is y i buy! ohmy....

tis is my kindergarten pic! when i was in sku, there goes my mum making fun of tis pic again! if u can see, i was trying to hid my hand n look at tt boy's hand!=.=! my mum said tt i always go home n complain about the boys in my sku. n i was known by my grandparents tt i was attracting boys attention!-.- omg... i got 6 boyfriend at tt age-.- lame sia! i still can remember tt i had nightmare after one of the boys kiss me-.- n i kept crying for the next few days, my mum say one-.- omgomgomg!

ewwwwww. tt was when i m p5! my maid left flims n wanted to develope her photos! den.... ya loh... as u can see! omg! so.... ewwwwwwww! FULLSTOP

tis 3 pics is taken outside the resort! yupyup! at sentosa! there is lots more! but! lazy upload! hahas!

we went to the arcade! play until we perspire alot! coz we ate alot for dinner! bufet! idk how to spell! hahas! yupyups! due to too much eating! we need to exercise! my cousin played DDR too! hahas! i just stand there n watch! i gain weight during the hols! 1.8 kg

starfishes! there is 7 of them:] catched from the sea! they refuse to put it back! n there are fishes too! the sea breeze is nice:]

there, the resort tt my cousin stayed in! silioso beach resort! i dunno how to spell lah! cnt see someone! at last nite liao!:] hahas!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

okok! you can scold me for all i care, coz tts not gg to affect me...
but when u tok and scold my parents, i cannot stand it! u should noe clearly who u are!
i didn't wan to reply. but not after see tt u scold my parents!
tts it for today, i have a busy day ahead! =.= sian....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the world will probaly be better without me :[

Saturday, May 30, 2009

tan chun, i will teach u the right way to hold the phone dun worry:]/XP

this is nice:] yumyum! chunchcrunch

one of ur stall! , spin n do "it"

tis box is design by mel:] nice! hahas:] i was busy doin some other stuff, fishes:] back pain! loser! the water is so heavy

we transfer the fishes here n there~ so lots of them died!

i noe u wan:] hahas!

ok, i was so bored till i draw elmo! okok! i m disgracing elmo... ps to elmo lovers
after all our hard work at the carnival, we went to eat shushi! yumyum! i spited water n lyk many weird stuff! haizz! wadeva! UNGLAM hahas:] omg... i miss the carnival, our hard work is finally over! i always feel happy when i noe tt i m helpin someone in need! idk y! just love tt feelin:] hahas! wadeva lah! hahas! for more on how my good day ended suckishly, see my another blog:] hahas! loveyou:] thanks for all the hard work my group members did! although i was rather upset on how the budget is spent, n the money is not settled till now, coz of tt small mistake, we did not hit our target amount tt we wanted to raise... but nvm lah... all of u did ur best:] yupyups!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
today, we had spring cleaning, pratically almost the whole day, and recess,den lunch time performance den guitar sec one orentation! today rocks n sucks! hahas:] my seniors are nice! i just realise tt, tokin to them today:] hahas! juniors too! hahas! idk lah! guitar sort of rocks! hmmmm..... i dunno wads wrong with me;] tmr no sku! but still need to go to do PROJECT!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i am really tring to listen to tmy parents, and really trying not to disobey them, but their rules are getting more n more. baning me from this n that. n confiscating my phone is a live n death matter loh! i dunno lah.wonder if i can survive through my holidays.sometimes i look at the sky n ask, wad is the purpose for me being down here when i can be up there, probaly up there, free from troubles, free from worries, free from humilation... but it is the troubles,worries n humilation that make me stronger emotionally each time i get back on my feet. but the problem is, i get on my feet super slowly, i m afraid that i might just give up soon... i have been saying tt i give up, saying that i hate life, but i tink it is rather dumb of me to say tt! i will not give up so easily, i will apperciate life... i am here on earth for a reason, the only way to find out is to live my life, till i find it, if not i will never noe wad is my purpose... but sometime i cnt help it, i am at a lost, i m in the middle of the road, dunno whether to turn left or right, front or back, if i were to take the wrong path, wad will happen? i dunno, i currently have two points of views, or maybe, i dun even have a purpose, maybe i m just there to be a display on a shelf...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
i dunno y, no matter how hard i try to stay positive, there will be someone or even myself, pulling myself down. i tried my best tis term! i really did! okok! i will accept all your request, just dun get angry. probaly my parents tinks tt i m a monel waster now! the spent so mush money on me n yet, no results... the first sentence tt comes to my mind, i will definately do better next term! den there, at tt point when i was trying to stay positive, my sis say,' hahaha! i got everything higher than you. okok! i cnt score ok? i m not good at anything! i really wish to turn back the clock, to where i was in primary one, i need to bulid up my foundations! i wanna turn way from reality, but it will not last forever, i need to solve it! i love the timing from 3 to 6! tt two hours is the best in my entire day, so tt i m not facing both friends n my family members! i enjoy tt time! but it only last for two hours! i dunno who to turn too! my brain is not funtioning properly! sorry mummy n daddy! dun mean too, but sometime i really duuno waad to do to make u all happy! i wanna the people around me to be happy n smile kays?

Monday, May 25, 2009
i m bored. i wanna see tt friend soon! 4 weeks liao! seriously miss her! omg
nvmnvm! from today on! i will be 'guai' hahas:] no more tinkin far!
EUNICE must for far! i wan a bright future! :]

in the lift....=.= !=]

the water is super clean! i love swimming at nite! yahooo!

blowing bubbles! blubblubblub! i noe u cannot blow bubbles! i noe u jealeous!haiz! idk how to spell lar hahas! sry! idk wad i riting hahas! abit high now

we got legs tt can glow in water! hahahahahahaha! we swam, play side n some other games! hahas! the water damn cooling lor... funfunfun! "tt" game was fun! i bang my head! n there goes one of my brain cell! hehe!

peek-a-boo! i noe u are scard! hahas! she is so cute! hahas! all soapy all over! i see tt she can blow bubbles too! lykly she kept evidence! i not i will not noe tt she can blow bubbles lyk me! hahas! wander whether, we inharited our mum or dad's geans! bubble blowing! hahas! my better! i got bubble without soap!hahas! sorry it is an inside jokeXP

tis is pics b4 bathing:]

after bathing! haha! all freash n clean:]
yupyups!! ohoh b4 tt we went to ps to but fbt!
omg... we buy some weirdweird colours tt we did not expect tt we will buy it! pink, lightblue n white:] hahas! okok nvm abt tt!
hahas! i look lyk i pile of shit, hahas! got my ez-link card today... omgomgomg! i look weird-.-
neat freak, my hair was flat+ i got big face! wad de! i look so pig! so shit+pig=pigshit=.=
todays morning devotion was great! mr go tok abt fears:] hahas!
Psalm 23:4
Even though i walk through the valley of shadow of death, i will fear no evil,for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
hahas:] hahas! i m so gg to read more tonite=.= hahas! oh maybe after i finish reaading, i m david! i need to rite a book review on it, den jjj pass me tt book! den the bible! maybe i can read one chapter a day, i dun tink it will take up alot of my time!:] hahas! only wish i had the disciple to read eveyday!hahas! i better start, try my best hahas! nonono, it is a must! yupyups tts it:]